
March 26, 2009

Hey All,

Don’t have a ton for you today. I have been trying to get over another cold I have. Luckily I have plenty of time to sleep on this ship. I’m sure all the guests are sick of me sniffling into the microphone and apologizing about doing so. Good group of guests, though. I met two girls from Chicago. One grew up 30 minutes from Dayton, and the other one went to UofM and dated a guy that Went to Grand Ledge. It’s a small, small world. I also got asked to sing for a wedding in Chicago in June. She asked for my rates and when I gave her the number she was pleasantly surprised….I knew I should have asked for more.  ☺

Anyway, All for now. Keep it real and keep an eye out for some new videos and recordings coming soon.

Word of the Day:

convivial |kənˈvivēəl; kənˈvivyəl|
(of an atmosphere or event) friendly, lively, and enjoyable.
• (of a person) cheerful and friendly; jovial.
conviviality |kənˌvivēˈalitē| |kənˈvɪviˈølədi| |-ˈalɪti| noun
convivially |kənˈvɪviəli| |kənˈvɪvjəli| adverb
ORIGIN mid 17th cent. (in the sense [fit for a feast, festive] ): from Latin convivialis, from convivium ‘a feast,’ from con- ‘with’ + vivere ‘live.’

Contract Countdown: 38 Days

Much Love,

One Response to “Hey”

  1. Becca said

    Convivial reminds me of my favorite movie ‘Closer’ with Clive Owen, Jude Law, Julia Roberts and Natalie Portman… there’s a scene with Jude and Natalie when he’s describing his job of writing obituaries and how they frequently use euphemisms to spice up their job. “He was a convivial fellow”

    Feel better cous!

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